• Book Deejay bluemoon

    Let us know what type of event you are putting out, and we will give you the right package. Book deejay bluemoon's proffessional services and you will be smilling all the way [...]

  • Latest reggae And Dancehall Music

    Catch me on the bluebox reggae charts playing the latest fresh reggae dancehall music on its top ten monthly charts .I also release fresh mixtapes every month on the bluebox mixtape chanel. Click the picture to get the mixtapes[...]

  • Latest pop and house Music

    Its about time someone added a different touch to pop and house music. Look out for the latest releases and mash ups right here [...]

  • Best entertainment news all round Hip Hop And RnB Music

    For the best and latest Hip Hop and RnB Music, interviews and videos please subscribe to my youtube channel for playlists and video uploads./DEEJAYBLUEMOON[...]

  • Best Of the Best Afro Music

    Afro music has picked up drastically with new artists and hot new professional videos that set a standard not only to the African continent but to the world. Click picture to view Chart mixtapes[...]

Monday, 29 January 2018

A new year, a new era of mixtapes. Yes this year am doing things a little bit different. for long you have been requesting for video mixes and what better time to start than now. I present to you #OneAfrica Mixtape my first video mix . This is a collection of some of Africa's illest tunes with more focus on East African music. Yeah you heard that right East Africa, mans got to represent the hood first lol. I also managed to include two bonus tracks...

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Yes Babiee Mixtape is finally out. Now this one you will basically loose your head f you are the party type of person. With a combination of music from across the globe with different genres, this one is indeed a classic. Hope you enjoy it. S/O to @Apass @Avril and Mugenyi ...

MY CITY 14-7-2017 - (BLUEBOXRADIO) @deejaybluemoon

This year saw a lot of things change in my management. One of them being the way and hosts I have for my mixtapes. I decided to stick to a few sites one of them being Mixcrate. This is where you will find my exclusive Radio mixtapes. That being said. I released a mixtape named my city where I featured some artists I work with from Tanzania and Kenya. The Mixtape basically shows you that music is universal and basically if you give it a chance,...

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

It's been longtime coming, now we are here. I think it was sometime last year when Soundcloud  deleted content without warning, from there I decided to remove all the content that my channel had since everything was all messed up and in the wrong order. This year after fully going through their terms and conditions, I thought to make a come back with a different structure. From today you can now access some of my mixtapes on Soundcloud and ...

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Are You ready to party till the sun rises up? Due to the high demand, Visionary Entertainment proudly brings you a new brand " EL SUPER AFTER " The first Latin & Urban after party in London. GRAND Opening will be on the 12th November from 2am till 9am , at Union Nightclub (Vauxhall) 66 Albert Embankment SE1 7TW. The Most Complete Party ever with two Rooms. Main Room Hosted By The #LatinAndUrbanKings! DJ Giio (@papi_giio) Dj Ruben |Special...

Monday, 12 June 2017

Early this year on the 31st of January, I released a new dancehall riddim  featuring Iadan, Spang to di G and Lady Preps. The riddim basically gave the artists an opportunity to speak on the things that affected the current generation of up coming artists and whoever felt that they are being held down from achieving their goals in life by someone or a situation. In life whether you are an established brand or upcoming, there are always pull...
A lot of upcoming artists have been debating whether to publish their song through another you tuber's channel (with more subscribers) or just using their own channel. My thought of this vary depending on different situations. To learn more watch the video below. Also in the video is a quick review of Kitole Kenda, an artist from the Kenyan cost of Mombasa and his latest song, Usiende Mbali.  #Pause the Radio at the top right ...